Dundas Euclid Animal Hospital 416-362-9696

Facts About Heartworm

As the weather starts warming up, little critters get active too! Heartworm season is starting in May, so here is some information about the parasite’s life cycle and what you can do to prevent heartworm.

Heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes that carry the heartworm larva and transfer them to your pets when the mosquitoes bite to feed. The larva can be transmitted to both cats and dogs (Dogs more frequently) and other animals as well such as foxes, wolves, raccoons, and ferrets. There has also been rare cases of it transferring to humans.

The larvae transferred from the mosquito’s proboscis bury themselves into the skin and find the blood stream, travelling up to the right heart and lung area. This can cause heart damage, disruption and breathing issues which can lead to fluid within and around the lungs.

Using preventative medication such as revolution or trifexis, will kill the larva at an early stage, but once they become full adult larva, its harder to expel from your pet. Doing a heartworm test every other year at your clinic will help prevent heartworm before they become detrimental to your pets health.

Ask your vet about prevention medication for your pet`s at your next visit!