Dundas Euclid Animal Hospital 416-362-9696

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The Critter Chronicles

The Critter Chronicles

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Heartworm Disease Q&A

Heartworm Disease Q&A

Dr. Ma answers pet owners’ most common questions and explains all you need to know about Heartworm Disease.

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Care Tips for Your New Kitten

Care Tips for Your New Kitten

Useful tips for new pet owners on how to take care of their first kitten, from nutrition, protection from hazards, potty training and more, here’s what you need to know!

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What is Giardia?

What is Giardia?

Giardia can become an important issue if you do not understand what you are dealing with. Here are six crucial things you should know.

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Dog-Proof Your Christmas

Dog-Proof Your Christmas

Christmas is a colourful and happy time of the year, but it can be a dangerous time for your dog. Here are our top 10 tips to dog-proof your holiday season.

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How to Treat Ear Mites

How to Treat Ear Mites

Ear mites, also known as otoacariasis, is a skin infection present in cats and dogs.

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Common Parasites in Cats

Common Parasites in Cats

Parasite prevention is critical for a healthy cat, and having an understanding of potential risks may help protect your cat from a range of diseases.

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Holiday Safety Tips for Cats

Holiday Safety Tips for Cats

The holiday season is generally jam-packed with parties, dinners, and get-togethers. However, all of these lovely moments can be dangerous for our kitty companions.

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Caring for Your Pet in Winter

Caring for Your Pet in Winter

Here are our winter pet care suggestions to help you and your furry friend enjoy the season!

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Periodontal Disease in Pets

Periodontal Disease in Pets

Also known as dental or gum disease, this is a condition caused by the swelling and/or infection of the gingiva around the teeth.

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Tick Prevention Tips

Tick Prevention Tips

The best defence against these hazardous parasites is proper parasite prevention.

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Puppy Grooming

Puppy Grooming

Early grooming is essential for any puppy, even if they’re a breed that requires less maintenance.

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Your Pet's Dental Care

Your Pet's Dental Care

Your pet's dental care starts at home. Learn why brushing your pet's teeth is critical to their overall health.

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